Candy stripes…yum. There’s just something about those deliciously bright colors of pinks, blues, yellows, oranges, and greens banded together like old fashioned ribbon candy that makes us smile. Installing an entire floor or just placing a piece or pillow or two is a great way to cheer up a neutral design pallet and add that pop of color everyone’s always talking about these days. Try sprinkling a little sweetness like these examples below into one of your rooms…it could be dandy!

Couch Candy: love this eclectically sophisticated sofa, but remember to keep the stripes lined up…can you see where they aren’t in this image? Photo:

Floor Candy: painters tape can go a long way in cheering up a floor. Photo/Design: Kate Spade via

Chair Candy: colorful stripes can modernize and “fun-up” even these elegant Louie XV pieces. Photo:

Cabinet Candy: metal cabinets painted in yummy colors are instantly softened and sweetly sophistocated. Photo:

Pillow Candy: for a pop-rock pop of color, these super-striped throws explode with style. Photo:

Canvas Candy: if your taste calls for more confectionary refinement, this painting illustrates that possibility. Photo:
All photography by Skaie Knox, HomeJelly