Floral napkin rings specially made for your Easter guests

Floral napkin rings specially made for your Easter guests.

Along with her beautiful cupcake flower place settings, my more-crafty-than-Martha-Stewart Aunt Mim thought she’d show me yet another wonderful table decor how-to that is right in line with my delicate budget. For right about $2-$4 (using your supply of cloth napkins and flowers from your garden), you can wrap a little bit of spring around each of your Easter brunch linens by way of these hand-crafted flower napkin rings. Thrifty and seasonal…how perfect is that?

Spring Flower Napkin Rings…here’s what you’ll need:


Floral napkin rings supplies

Floral napkin rings supplies.

  • linen/cloth napkins
  • elastic bands (thicker the better-these are about 1/4″ wide)
  • fresh or silk flowers (preferably the free kind from your garden)
  • glue stick and glue gun

Here’s what you do:

1. Glue one or a small group of flowers onto your elastic band. Make as many as you need. Set aside to dry.

Glue flower to thick elastic band

Glue flower to thick elastic band.

2. Fold napkin in fours (once in half, then fold that one more time in half), then roll starting with the folded edge.

Fold napkin in fours, then roll up

Fold napkin in fours, then roll up.

3. Place dried flower napkin ring onto napkin. Set out for guests!

Place onto napkin

Place onto napkin.

Floral napkin rings

The possible varieties of crafted floral napkin rings is pretty endless.

Floral napkin rings for your Easter guests

Floral napkin rings for your Easter guests.

What do you prefer…silk or fresh flowers?

All photographs by Skaie Knox, HomeJelly

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